Cashback w Sneakersnstuff (Polska)

3.00% Cashback z opłaconego zamówienia
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Well known troughout the world Sneakersnstuff is the store that put Sweden on the sneaker map. Widely known for always carrying carefully selected items hard to come by as well as staying true to the old school sneaker lovers with a massive assortment of classics such as Converse Chuck Taylor's, adidas Stan Smith's, Puma Suedes, New Balance 577's, Nike Air Force 1's and Air Max 1's.

Średni czas oczekiwania na Cashback: 129 dni

In 2009 Sneakersnstuff won a grand slam at Modegalan, an annual fashion award show hosted and curated by Habit, the largest magazine for the fashion biz in Scandinavia. Sneakersnstuff received the Online Retailer of the Year Award, the Young Fashion Store of the Year Award and the most desirable award of them all, the Fashion Store of the Year.

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