Cashback w The Tire Rack (Polska)
Tire Rack, family-owned & headquartered in South Bend, IN, is America’s largest independent tire tester & consumer-direct source for tires, wheels & performance accessories. We have collected results from more than 150,000 consumer surveys representing over 2.6 billion miles of real-world tire data, the largest known cache of such information anywhere, and have grown from a single-point retail store in Indianapolis to encompass over 2.5 million square feet of space in nine distribution centers across the country.
To say we love tires may seem a bit odd, but it’s true. For over 40 years, we’ve been sharing that love by helping customers like you find the tires they need for their vehicles so they can drive with confidence. A diverse and broad in-stock inventory from 24 major tire and 63 wheel brands can be delivered anywhere in the country in two days or less. Nationally, more than 7,500 independent Recommended Installers are available to service your local installation needs.
- 0.00 Sale - Gift Cards
- 3.00%Paid order
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