Cashback de Just Thrive (México)

Just Thrive® is the first 100% spore-based probiotic and antioxidant supplement that arrives 100% alive to your intestines that's available in the retail market. These bacillus spores are some of the most widely studied and have been in the pharmaceutical market for over 60 years in 2/3 of the world! Just Thrive is the perfect probiotic for the whole family! You can open the capsule and sprinkle it in food or drinks and even bake with it up to 455
Unlike other probiotics on the market, Just Thrive® contains carefully selected strains and a proprietary formulation that ensures our probiotic can naturally survive through the stomach to get into the intestines where they colonize and produce their potent probiotic effect. These strains have not been specially engineered by enteric coating and other means – instead, they survive naturally.
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Le garantizamos que recibirá un pago mediante el método que más le convenga en 3 días laborables (normalmente tarda un día) después de la solicitud a través del menú especial "PAGOS".