Cashback w Aegean Airlines (Polska)

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Cashback w Aegean Airlines
0.80 %
1.60% Cashback z opłaconego zamówienia
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AEGEAN, the largest Greek carrier and member of Star Alliance, provides at its inception in 1999 until today, full service, premium quality short and medium haul flights to Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, the Persian Gulf and the Caucasus region. The Company currently operates a fleet of 79 aircraft, including the brand-new Airbus A320 and A321 neo, while in its 25 years of operation has contributed to the upgrade of the travel experience and the development of tourism in the country.

In 2024, AEGEAN has been named the “Best Regional Airline in Europe” at the prestigious World Airline Awards 2024, for the 13th consecutive year and 14th time. This award is yet more proof of the high quality of the services provided by the company to its passengers, who continue to put their trust in it and place it at the top of their choices.AEGEAN and its subsidiary Olympic Air carried 15.5 million passengers in 2023 and offered a total of 18.5 million seats. The domestic and international network for the year 2023 covered 180 destinations in 49 countries with 307 routes from the company's 10 bases.

  • 1.60%Paid order
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