Cashback w Gallery Collection (Polska)

5.00% Cashback z opłaconego zamówienia
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The Gallery Collection by Prudent Publishing is the leading business-to-business publisher of premium quality personalized Christmas cards, holiday cards, and All-Occasion greeting cards in the United States. Established in 1929 and still family owned, we are proud to present the finest quality personal and business greeting cards available. We guarantee it! The Gallery Collection has earned its reputation by combining beautiful craftsmanship with outstanding customer service.

At the Gallery Collection we understand the importance of making a lasting impression and whether you are looking for Business Christmas Cards or Personalized Christmas Cards you will find that easy to do with one of the designs from our Christmas Cards collection. Many satisfied customers have said that when they see the corporate holiday cards that other companies have received, they can always tell which business holiday cards are from The Gallery Collection. Comments like that act as the guiding force in our effort to provide quality Business Greeting Cards using the same high standards that were demanded from the inception of this company over eighty years ago.

Note: cashback is not credited when using third-party promotional codes

  • 5.00%GalleryCollection Return Customer Sale_Advanced Default
  • 5.00%GalleryCollection New Customer Sale_Advanced Default
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3. Wybrany przez Ciebie produkt bierze udział w programie Cashback (w niektórych sklepach internetowych istnieje podział na kategorie, patrz zakładkę «Informacja/Warunki» )
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