Cashback w Serà Fine Silk (Polska)

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Cashback w Serà Fine Silk
3.00 %
6.00% Cashback z opłaconego zamówienia
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Ever since she could remember, Francesca Serafin has been passionate about fabric, and more specifically, silk. One of her most cherished memories is of a family vacation to the Northern Italian island of Pellestrina. She remembers looking out at the reflection of the sunset on the water and thinking that it looked like silk. This inspired her to try and incorporate silk into her life wherever she could.

Francesca uses the world around her to find inspiration for her designs. She grew up in Verona, Italy, one of the major winemaking regions of Italy. As such, she was inspired to create a collection of pocket squares based on Italian wines. She also enjoys traveling around Italy, which inspired the Italian Islands pocket square collection, based on the most islands in both the north and south of the country. Finally, her Italian flowers pocket square collections was derived from her interest in gardens and spending time outside. All of these products are designed, created and packaged in Italy, by Italians, ensuring only the highest of quality.

  • 6.00%Paid order
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