Cashback w Waddesdon Manor (Polska)

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Over a century ago, the house and grounds were created to delight and surprise the small circle of Baron Ferdinand's friends. We now welcome thousands of visitors each year who come to appreciate the exceptional architecture, art collections and gardens. Once the country home of the Rothschild’s, this Renaissance-style château houses one of the finest collections of French 18th century decorative arts in the world. The Manor is situated within beautiful landscaped Victorian gardens with a parterre, seasonal displays, statuary, walks, and views.

There is an ornate Rococo-style Aviary housing rare and endangered birds and a gift and wine shop selling unique, unrivalled Rothschild wines. On a day out to Waddesdon you can discover richly decorated interiors, fabulous art treasures, beautiful displays and sweeping landscapes. Waddesdon can be enjoyed all year round, from swathes of daffodils and tulips in the spring to drifts of snowdrops in the winter.

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  • 2.25%Paid order
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