Cashback de Hale Groves (México)

Since 1947, we have built a reputation for unique fruit gifts fresh from Florida. Unlike other gifting companies, we hand pick your citrus gifts fresh from Florida groves as soon as we receive your gift order and not a minute before. Our special location along Florida's Indian River helps us grow the best fruit gifts including our sweet Florida oranges, our grove fresh navels, our world-renowned Indian River grapefruit and our rare and limited honeybells.
As fruit and citrus experts, we spend most of our time in Florida groves. We sample and track our fruit quality all year long, making sure every citrus gift we deliver is without equal anywhere in the world. We know the precise moment when our oranges and grapefruit reach their peak-of-sweetness and flavor. That's when we pick it, pack it and rush these special citrus gifts direct to your family, from ours. Every fruit box and basket is hand packed at the peak of freshness.
- 1.50%Product Sale - Hale Groves
- 1.50%Paid order
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