Cashback de Rack Room Shoes (México)

Known as an innovator in the shoe industry for more than 90 years, Rack Room Shoes has earned the respect of its customers, vendors, landlords and other retailers. By offering the best brands, service, convenience and value, Rack Room Shoes remains poised for great achievements in the years to come. All of our products— shoes, handbags and accessories— reflect the latest fashions for comfort, dress, casual and athletic wear at the best prices for the whole family.
Great shoes for men, women and children in comfort, dress, casual, and athletic categories make Rack Room Shoes the family footwear retailer of choice. The company offers a wide selection of nationally recognized brands known for their quality. Rack Room Shoes also offers an assortment of exclusive private brands commissioned from the best manufacturers in the business. Our private brands offer customers great styles and outstanding values, which translates into satisfied, loyal, repeat customers.
- 0.00 Purchase - Rainbow Brand
- 1.00%Paid order
1. Haya accedido a la tienda haciendo clic en el botón "Ir de compras" de nuestro sitio. No han pasado más de 4 horas desde su acceso y el pedido se ha completado estando en la tienda.
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3. El elemento que ha elegido participe en el cashback (en algunas tiendas, los productos pueden estar divididos por categorías, consulte la pestaña "INFORMACIÓN/TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES")
4. No haya rechazado el producto adquirido por ningún motivo después del pago.
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Le garantizamos que recibirá un pago mediante el método que más le convenga en 3 días laborables (normalmente tarda un día) después de la solicitud a través del menú especial "PAGOS".