Cashback de Sqairz Golf (México)

We’ve long believed that golf shoes should be more than mere accessories, they are the foundation of every swing and should be drivers of true performance. The vision for SQAIRZ started on a New England driving range, where a pair of square-toed dress shoes spurred a visual realization. This idea continued through years of research into ground force reaction, biomechanics and foot movement. It culminated award-winning shoes, now played on tour, that will help every golfer hit more accurate and powerful shots.
With 7 patents, our wider base and heel stabilizer enhances balance for a fuller range of motion. Our premium upper is made of 100% waterproof material and provides support, comfort and breathability. Eliminating the need to re-tie during a round, our Sta-Put laces lock comfort in place.
Note: cashback is not credited when using third-party coupons and promotional codes
- 5.00%Paid order
- 0.00 USDGift cards, gift wrapping
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