Cashback de Appearanz (México)

UniWigs started 9 years ago, in 2012, and have grown so much to where we are now. Over the years we have introduced our hair topper, hair extension lines, and hair system lines. We have developed new hair color combinations, new bases, and cap constructions, and we have had a lot of fun providing our customers with our beautiful hair products over the years.
UniWigs values individuality and believes in expressing yourself through your hair. Everyone has the right to explore their style through their hair, and to find out which hair they love! This is exactly the reason why we have specialist designers to craft new hairpieces and new hairstyles for every person’s preference! We are also proud to offer our unique customization service, where customers can essentially design their own hair by giving us their requirements! Our customization service is also excellent for those that have lost their hair and would like a wearable hair replica to look just like their old hair.
- cashback is not paid when using coupons and promotional codes
- cashback is not credited for some goods
1. Haya accedido a la tienda haciendo clic en el botón "Ir de compras" de nuestro sitio. No han pasado más de 4 horas desde su acceso y el pedido se ha completado estando en la tienda.
2. No haya utilizado banners en otras fuentes, accedido al sitio a través de listas de correo de terceros ni ha utilizado códigos promocionales de terceros a la hora de acceder a la tienda.
3. El elemento que ha elegido participe en el cashback (en algunas tiendas, los productos pueden estar divididos por categorías, consulte la pestaña "INFORMACIÓN/TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES")
4. No haya rechazado el producto adquirido por ningún motivo después del pago.
5. No haya utilizado ni deshabilitado aplicaciones para bloquear anuncios, como AdBlock o productos similares.
Le garantizamos que recibirá un pago mediante el método que más le convenga en 3 días laborables (normalmente tarda un día) después de la solicitud a través del menú especial "PAGOS".