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Cashback de MonthlyClubs.com™ (México)

1.25 USD cashback del pedido pagado
Reseñas 0

A family-owned business for over 25 years, MonthlyClubs.com® was founded and continues to be run on principles dedicated to consistently delivering quality and variety at outstanding values through our stringent selection processes. We’ve intentionally limited the number clubs offered over the years so that we can consistently deliver the same level of high quality featured products in each club.

Providing outstanding boutique products and highly flexible membership options to meet any budget, MonthlyClubs.com offers the leading monthly club choice year-round and for gifting holidays like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day.

Note: when using third-party promotional codes, cashback is not charged

Cashback is not charged
999999,"Product Reorder","25-07-2013"
bottle-opener-mbotmc,"Bottle Opener: Beer Club Promo Item","04-12-2015"
bottle-opener-rbc,"Bottle Opener: Rare Beer Club Promo Item","04-12-2015"
Primary List
design-your-own,"Design Your Own Club - Custom Membership","25-07-2013"
beer-hop-heads,"The Hop-Heads Beer Club","18-10-2016"
beer-international,"The International Beer Club","23-07-2013"
beer-rare-six-bottle,"The Rare Beer Club Six Bottles","23-07-2013"
cigar,"The Original Premium Cigar Club","23-07-2013"
flower,"Fresh Cut Flower of the Month Club","23-07-2013"
master-series,"Wine Club: The Masters Series","23-07-2013"
chocolate,"Gourmet Chocolate of the Month Club","23-07-2013"
beer-rare-four-bottle,"The Rare Beer Club Four Bottles","23-07-2013"
cheese,"Gourmet Cheese of the Month Club","23-07-2013"
beer-domestic,"The U.S. Microbrewed Beer Club","23-07-2013"
premier-series,"Wine Club: The Premier Series","23-07-2013"
beer-rare-two-bottle,"The Rare Beer Club Two Bottles","23-07-2013"
beer-domestic-international,"The U.S. and International Variety Beer Club","23-07-2013"
collector-series,"Wine Club: The Collectors Series","23-07-2013"
beer-rare,"The Rare Beer Club","30-05-2018"
cigar-rare,"The Rare Cigar Club","16-09-2016"
wine-bold-reds,"Wine Club: The Bold Reds Wine Club","16-09-2016"
cheese-rare,"The Rare Cheese Club","17-09-2018"
  • 1.25 USDMonthly Club Purchase - UT Default
Le garantizamos los pagos y la acumulación de cashback siempre y cuando:

1. Haya accedido a la tienda haciendo clic en el botón "Ir de compras" de nuestro sitio. No han pasado más de 4 horas desde su acceso y el pedido se ha completado estando en la tienda.
2. No haya utilizado banners en otras fuentes, accedido al sitio a través de listas de correo de terceros ni ha utilizado códigos promocionales de terceros a la hora de acceder a la tienda.
3. El elemento que ha elegido participe en el cashback (en algunas tiendas, los productos pueden estar divididos por categorías, consulte la pestaña "INFORMACIÓN/TÉRMINOS Y CONDICIONES")
4. No haya rechazado el producto adquirido por ningún motivo después del pago.
5. No haya utilizado ni deshabilitado aplicaciones para bloquear anuncios, como AdBlock o productos similares.

Le garantizamos que recibirá un pago mediante el método que más le convenga en 3 días laborables (normalmente tarda un día) después de la solicitud a través del menú especial "PAGOS".