Кешбек в Brick House (Україна)
BrickHouse Nutrition was founded in 2016 by two brothers from Columbus, Ohio. After being involved in the sports nutrition world for years and seeing shortcomings in the industry, they had the idea to construct a high-quality lifestyle line to fill the void left by today’s big manufacturers. Working with some of the best names in the industry to formulate their products, they created an entirely different nutrition delivery method that proved to be more efficient than anything that was currently in the market. Utilizing this new approach they developed their first product: Foundation.
Now headquartered in Texas, BrickHouse strives to stay on the cutting edge of nutraceutical innovation. Our team works relentlessly to formulate the best science and research based products on the market today. Aimed at improving your health, performance, and overall life, BrickHouse helps build a better you, One Brick at a Time!
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