Кешбек в Jax n Daisy (Україна)
The Jax n Daisy creator is an essential oil enthusiast, she loved to develop shampoos and lotions for her personal use. She found her creations were soothing to her own skin and had a calming effect on her mood, so out of curiosity she started using it on her own pets. She had a lot of experience with the natural healing powers of essential oils and a love of pets, so she tried different combinations and their results when used on her own pets.
Jax n Daisy is made with a unique combination of essential oils and a mild antiseptic to offer a gentle, yet effective solution for helping to treat dermatitis caused by environmental and food allergies, itchy skin, hot spots, mange and flea bite dermatitis. We are proud to offer a product that works, saves pet owners money at the vet and decreases the need for "other" treatments/medications! Our Mission is to make affordable, effective pet products that are pleasant and safe for everyone!
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