Cashback de GiGi New York / Graphic Image (México)

GiGi New York is a product-centered company that crafts top quality leather handbags and accessories at our family-owned factory on Long Island. We founded the company 4 years ago, and sales from the GiGi website have soared to $4.5 million annually. Our bags are priced slightly above big commercial brands because we insist on artisan quality craftsmanship. GiGi is committed to using luxurious embossed python and European leathers because they look better, feel better, and lasts a lot longer.
GiGi New York is the second generation to parent company, Graphic Image, which was founded in 1969 by Bennett Glazer. GiGi’s legacy is rich with experience, artistry - but moreover, innovation. Our leather products are created out of a simple belief: You deserve to own pieces that have been created with the same level of thoughtfulness that you impart in every aspect of your life. We take extraordinary care to design items that are as practical as they are luxurious.
- 4.50%Graphic Image - Shopify Default
- 4.50%GiGi New York - Shopify Default
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