Кешбек в Full Circle Farms (Україна)
We started as an organic farm in 1996 on just five acres near North Bend, Washington. We’ve been passionate about growing and sourcing delicious produce free of herbicides and pesticides and promoting sustainable farming that preserves our soil and environment ever since. From the beginning, we've embraced organic and sustainable agriculture as a way of life, an art, a dedication to care for our land, our employees, our natural habitats and our food system. We carefully select produce varieties that grow well in our area and taste great.
We bring the season’s best mix of organic produce and specialty farm products conveniently to your home or office by growing and partnering with local farms and artisans in your area. Our mission is to change the food system by providing a healthy, fresh alternative to industrial food. Large-scale agriculture often uses pesticides, herbicides, genetic modification and employs risky monoculture practices. Fresh, organic produce tastes better, is brimming with nutrients, and preserves our soil, our water and the entire ecosystem. That's why Full Circle fills every box with food that's real and genuine.
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