Cashback from MiniInTheBox (United States) is the site which help you find thousands of products offered at incredible wholesale prices. A quick look around our site will reveal our massive range of first-rate goods, be they electronics, tailored clothing, sports equipment, and many more.
Average cashback hold time: 41 day
Whoever you are, and wherever you are, MiniInTheBox will offer the same lowest possible price. Whether you�re a wholesaler looking to increase revenues, a retailer who refuses to pay the high prices in your country, or a shopper looking to get hold of the latest products, provides fast service and wholesale prices. We buy direct from an ever expanding network of Chinese wholesale manufacturers so we can keep costs low while maintaining the highest of standards.
We serve customers from over 200 countries and still continue growing. But our vision won�t change: One world, one price.
1. You have accessed a shop by clicking on the "Go shopping" button on our site. It has been no longer than 4 hours since your access, and the order completed while staying in the shop.
2. When accessing the shop, you did not use banners in other sources or your access to the site was not due to third-party mailing lists and you also did not use third-party promo codes.
3. The item you have chosen participates in cashback (in certain shops products may be divided by categories; please refer to the "INFORMATION/TERMS AND CONDITIONS" tab )
4. Upon payment, you has not rejected the product you bought for any reason.
5. You do not use or disabled ad blocking applications, such as AdBlock or similar products.
We ensure you will receive a payout by the method you see comfortable to you within 3 business days (generally within one day) upon request via the "PAYOUTS" special menu.